
The core of this package is based on Muuri. An instance of Muuri is created internally, and is used to manage all interactions with the DOM. The term grid will be used in this documentation to refer to that instance.
You can interact with it using the ref prop. For its documentation, see its page on Github.

const App = () => {
const gridRef = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
// The instance is avaible as gridRef.current.
return <MuuriComponent ref={gridRef} />;

If you just need to initialize some events you can use the onMount prop.

onMount={(grid) => {
// Drag release event.
grid.on('dragReleaseEnd', (item) => {
// Do something...

Items ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

Muuri internally manages the instances of the Items, each instance is associated with an Item component and contains its information (plus all the methods specified in the Muuri documentation).

// Return the key of the component
// that represents the item in question.
// Return the props of the component
// that represents the item in question.
// Return the data of the component
// that represents the item in question.

It is possible to access the items instances through the grid.

// Get all items instances.

Muuri map ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ

You can use the muuriMap to access all the Muuri instances of the MuuriComponents via ids and groupIds.

<MuuriComponent id={'id'} groupIds={['groupId']} />
import {muuriMap} from 'muuri-react';
// The Muuri instance belonging to the
// MuuriComponenent with the id: "id".
const grid = muuriMap.get('id');
// All the Muuri instances belonging to the
// MuuriComponenents of the group: "groupId".
const gridsArray = muuriMap.getGroup('groupId');