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This example shows how to integrate GSAP with your React app.

Edit use-mutable-source-gsap

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useSource } from 'use-mutable-source';
import gsap from 'gsap';

export default function App({ autoplay = true }) {
  // Defines a reference to the element.
  const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
  // useSource will manage the tween lifecycle.
  const [useSnapshot, getTween] = useSource(() => [
    // Generates the Tween., {
      x: gsap.utils.random(0, 370, 10, true),
      duration: 0.7,
      paused: !autoplay,
      immediateRender: true,
    // Destroys the Tween.
    (tween) => tween.kill(),

  const isActive = useSnapshot(
    // Derives the snapshot. If the Animation has not yet been created,
    // we can rely on "autoplay" to determine if it will be active when the
    // component will mount.
    (tween) => (tween ? tween.isActive() : autoplay),
    // Handles the subscription.
    (tween, onChange) => {
      // Subscribe to all events.
      tween.eventCallback('onStart', onChange);
      tween.eventCallback('onComplete', onChange);

      return () => {
        // Unsubscribes from all events.
        tween.eventCallback('onStart', null);
        tween.eventCallback('onComplete', null);

  // Plays the animation.
  const toggle = () => {

  return (
      <button onClick={toggle}>Move randomly</button>
      <div className="container">
        <div className="box" ref={ref}>
          {isActive ? 'Wooo!' : 'Animate me!'}

Released under the MIT License.